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Junts per Catalunya insta a ERC a explicar o lunes si revertirá los pactos municipales de que ha firmado con los partidos del 155

Aristotle's pupil Theophrastus described the red coral, korallion, in his book on stones, implying it was a mineral, but he described it as a deep-sea plant in his Enquiries on Plants, where he also mentions large stony plants that reveal bright flowers when under water in the Gulf of Heroes.[2] Pliny the Elder stated boldly that several sea creatures including sea nettles and sponges "are neither animals nor plants, but are possessed of a third nature (tertius natura)".

Ejection increases the polyp's chance of surviving short-term stress—they can regain algae, possibly of a different species at a later time. If the stressful conditions persist, the polyp eventually dies.[26] Zooxanthellae are located within the corals' cytoplasm and due to the algae's photosynthetic activity, the internal pH of the coral can be raised; this behavior indicates that the zooxanthellae are responsible to some extent for the metabolism of their host corals [27] Reproduction[edit]

Many governments now prohibit removal of coral from reefs, and inform coastal residents about reef protection and ecology.

Brooding species are most often ahermatypic (not reef-building) in areas of high current or wave action. Brooders release only sperm, which is negatively buoyant, sinking on to the waiting egg carriers who harbor unfertilized eggs for weeks.

Irán saiba mais aumenta enriquecimiento por uranio y augura más incumplimientos del acuerdo nuclear si pelo se rebajan las sanciones

Los manifestantes continúan con sus demandas y no están dispuestos a que eliminen los derechos que les diferencian por la China continental.

Over many generations, the colony thus creates a large skeleton characteristic of the species. Individual heads grow by asexual reproduction of polyps. Corals also breed sexually by spawning: polyps of the same species release gametes simultaneously over a period of one to several nights around a full moon.

Científicos avistan las nubes "más raras" en una zona donde nunca fueron vistas antes y el ser humano sería responsable mais del hecho

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"Los jemeres rojos eran monstruos": recuerdos do un sobreviviente del ré especialmentegimen que mató al 25% de su país

Polyps feed on a variety of small organisms, from microscopic zooplankton to small mais fish. The polyp's tentacles immobilize or kill prey using their nematocysts. These clique aqui cells carry venom which they rapidly release in response to contact with another organism.

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The most popular kind of coral kept is soft coral, especially zoanthids and mushroom corals, which are especially easy to grow and propagate in a wide variety of conditions, because they originate in enclosed parts of reefs where water conditions vary and lighting may be less reliable and direct.

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